Brand Narrative: How to Leverage the Power of Your Story

Everybody loves a good story. Whether you’re a kid spinning spooky yarns at summer camp or a couple sharing one of your best vacation escapades at dinner, people love to be entertained.
Stories are powerful and have been a cornerstone of culture throughout history. Oral traditions have been around since people developed the power of speech and became a way to share narratives, morals, and identity.

To be human is to embrace an inherent love of story, and as such, storytelling is a prolific and deep-seated tool for establishing your brand.

What Even Is Brand Narrative?

A brand narrative is the story that a brand tells to show what it stands for, what it believes in, and what makes it unique. A brand’s personal story helps people understand and connect with it. In this day and age, people aren’t just searching for a product—they’re looking to learn and identify with your story and your mission. It is this connection that will yield interest and, ultimately, brand loyalty.

Brand narrative includes many things, such as your origin story, as well as your purpose and goals for the future. Once your audience feels like they understand you, they’re more likely to connect and see themselves in you and your goals. You’re embarking on a journey together, in which you have the solutions they need because you see them, and they see themselves in you and your ultimate purpose.

So How Do You Do This?

If the above feels important, that’s because it is. Once people feel like they know and embrace who you are, they’re more likely to stick around as loyal customers. However, this trust is hard-earned through leveraging your brand history.

This takes the form of you being vulnerable (we know, shudder) and sharing not just your “why” but also your origin story, hopes, and dreams for the future. In linking your past to your present and beyond, you let your customer base know that you’re ultimately thinking of the future and their place in it. This consideration will help them feel seen and heard, especially if you incorporate feedback into your mission and company values.

By being honest about your motivations and struggles, you allow your customers to see themselves in you as they relate to all you’ve overcome.

We all have obstacles to conquer, and in choosing to share your journey, you welcome people to become a part of your narrative. This connection is priceless and allows others to reflect on their own respective efforts and milestones while admiring everything you’ve gone through to get where you are.

Your brand narrative showcases your dedication to your cause and the people you serve. It helps your customers connect with you on a deeper level, encouraging a more robust loyalty that will serve you well both in the short and long term.