Employee Spotlight: Julian Mackenzie

If our newest hire looks familiar to you, it may be because you’ve seen him on our social channels before. Julian Mackenzie joined our team as our newest developer in July – but this isn’t his first time in our office. Julian interned with us last summer and we loved having him so much we called dibs and had him join us after he graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago!

His enthusiasm and creativity are contagious and he fits right in with our goofy bunch of misfits. We asked him some questions so that you can get to know him like we do and see why he is such a great addition to our team!

What is the best part of your job?
At the moment, all of it! As the greenest member of The Relish Jar following an internship in 2023, it’s self-explanatory that I was ecstatic to return to The Relish Jar’s team.

What’s a project that you worked on that really stands out to you? Why?
My summer-long personal internship project gave me a taste of the technologies that The Relish Jar frequently employs. Combining real industry experience with a fun, personal subject inspired me, getting me excited to develop for and alongside clients!

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
Piano, bass guitar, and singing occupy much of my free time, along with reading, content creation, and quality time with my close friends. Dedicating myself to projects, too, gives me the greatest satisfaction.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Everywhere I go, I carry a small laminated card from a cherished family friend that says “Attitude… I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it.” More than anything, this has grounded me and equipped me to handle whatever comes my way.

If you had to pick a song to portray the culture of The Relish Jar, what would it be and why?
“The Sky is the Limit” by Magic Conch. There’s no ceiling to the creative energy felt when working with The Relish Jar. And, no matter what, you know that every interaction will be relaxed, inspiring, and ripe with the energy of a sweet guitar solo.