Tis the Season to Start Planning Your Holiday Sales Strategy

Ah, September, the last hurrah before fall really settles in. Days are still long, and temperatures are in the 80s more often than not, so this next question might sound strange: have you started to think about your holiday brand strategy?

Believe it or not, now is the time to set the stage for your greatest Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas brand pageant ever.

That’s right—three holidays in three months. Fall and early winter are not for the weak, but they’re prime time for profits if you lay the groundwork early.

The holiday season is also highly competitive, with everyone wanting a piece of the profits, so ensuring your campaigns are well-established will give you the edge you need to sustain sales throughout the season.

Here’s how:

Stronger Customer Connections: Early planning allows you to review trends and campaigns that worked in past holidays to refine this year’s message. You’ll have time to intentionally craft branding that resonates with your audience and fosters stronger emotional reactions during a time when people are primed to empathize with brand stories (for example, why you cry at Google’s Christmas commercial every year. Just us? Sorry for having a heart).

Optimized Budgeting: The holidays are expensive, not just for parents but for companies too. Every dollar counts, and the more time you have, the more you can carefully discern where to splurge in terms of your holiday advertising budget. It also gives you more time to negotiate with suppliers and advertisers and avoid last-minute shipping costs.

Ensuring You’re Stocked: Speaking of last minute, we’ve all agonized in the USPS line, praying our gifts will make it to loved ones in time for Christmas Eve. It’s stressful and expensive. Nailing down your holiday campaign early inevitably means ordering what’s needed when it’s more likely to be in stock and arrive on time.

Testing, One, Two, Three: Starting your holiday campaigns sooner rather than later means you have more time to adjust your campaign if needed. Trends change on a dime, and this method allows for more flexibility in incorporating those trends. If your strategy is established, you’ll have more time to test and adjust as needed instead of hammering out a last-minute desperation campaign.

Better Team Cohesion: There’s no such thing as training your team too early when it comes to incorporating new procedures or promotions. Especially during an already hectic time, an early training period allows for better coordination within your team, with everyone having ample time to learn their roles.

In summary, starting your holiday brand strategy now positions your brand for a more successful, organized, and impactful holiday season, ultimately driving better results and a higher return on investment. By giving yourself the gift of time, you’ll avoid undue stress and set yourself up for success… Santa, who?